Tuesday, 15 April 2014


                Benefit They're Real

My Results


                                     Beauty Blogger

                                     Benefit Blogger

Not normally one to be taken in by sales pitches from the beauty counters as I'm trying to take the shortcut through Debenhams in Glasgow to Argyle Street, a couple of weeks ago I must have been having a moment of weakness & was lured in by a Benefit girl. 

As a BadGal lash lover, I was reluctant to try anything else, especially if it involved a plastic or rubber wand. However, I was more more than pleasantly surprised when i was handed the mirror for the results of They're Real mascara. The results were super quick & I couldn't believe how easily it builds with what seemed like zero effort! 

Since we all know I'm a lash addict, this product has saved me a fortune on falsies for the last few nights out and also given me an extra 5 minutes snooze in the morning. Well & truly worth the money!

PS. I'm growing my brows out for shaping soon so please excuse the strays!

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