Thursday, 29 May 2014


glasgow beauty blog

lip remedies


scottish blogger

Arran Aromatics - Honey & Lemon Lip Balm £3.50 

After hearing wonderful things, I had to get my hands on a little tub of this lip remedy. Arran Aromatics who are a Scottish company have a lotion & potion for just about everything. The scents they capture in their products are spa fresh fragrances that are bound to make you 'feel good' as their packaging suggests.

Despite this being out 'Summer' - booo! I'm still finding it a bit chilly outside sometimes and feel like I'm still reaching for my pocket lip savior. The Honey & Lemon lip balm is beautiful. The texture is similar to Vaseline but feels like velvet when you apply it. It smells good enough to eat & since it's on your lips it's worth knowing that it actually does taste quite nice if you accidentally-on purpose lick a wee bit off! There's nothing worse if your lip balm tastes horrendous. 

I applied this at night as I added it to my bedtime routine and when I woke up it was still on so it certainly stands the test of time! I think I'll be re-purchasing this for my holidays (if we ever get round to booking one) as it is specially formulated with UV filter, a perfect pocket sized beach essential!

What do you think of Arran Aromatics? Do you use any other Scottish brands?

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